About CHS

The trumpeters and singers joined in unison,
as with one voice,

to give praise and thanks to the LORD.

Accompanied by trumpets,

cymbals and other instruments,

they raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang:

"He is good, his love endures forever."

2 Chronicles 5:13

CHS (Christiana Harris Stephen) Kitchen was created on 16 of May 2010 by Christiana Chin, Harris Widjaja and Stephen Lee.

Head Chef: Stephen Lee
Chef: Harris Widjaja
Chef: Christiana Chin
Chef: Bernadine Bird
Operation Manager: Bernadine Bird
Relationship & Booking: Soon Huat
Finance: Harris Widjaja
Marketing: Christiana Chin

CHS is part of St Joseph Choir Camperdown group. On every weekend that is possible, member from the St Joseph Choir are gathering together to dine in at some designated place, to have fellowship and do some chit chat. CHS will be serving dinner for the gathering with lots of unique and fine dish for everyone to enjoy.

At CHS we strive to provide the best dining experience and catering experience to all the St Joseph Choir Member. With fresh choice of food and ingredient with NO MSG and made with love, dining with CHS will not only make people healthy but filled with joy.

Menu at CHS will be very diverse. With chef coming from different country, the food that is served at CHS will have some combination of flavor from various different region. CHS serve Chinese, Indian, French, Italian, Japanese, Thai and other regional food.

CHS Bakery & Patisseries which is part of CHS Kitchen, will help with making great desert, cakes and pastries. The signature dish from CHS Bakery and Patisseries is the "Muddy Brownies", which is a brownies serve with a muddy chocolate pour on top. Other cakes including cheese cakes and tiramisu.

Thank you for reading the CHS Kitchen Blog.

We will post recipe and upcoming dining event in this blog. Keep reading.

Harris Widjaja
CHS Kitchen - Chef